Mt Ascutney Prevention Partnership


Seeking thrills, taking risks, and looking for approval from peers are common behaviors for adolescents. They’re part of a natural process of growth, but also increased vulnerability if teens use alcohol, tobacco/vaping, marijuana, or other drugs before brain formation is complete—at age 25 or later. That’s why MAPP works with community partners to help young people realize their full potential by avoiding the risks of substance misuse.

Preventing Substance Misuse

The consequences can be great, affecting a young person's mind, body, and future. But together, we can build a web of support to give young people the strength and resources to make healthy choices.

Why We Care

Early adolescent substance use dramatically increases the risk of lifelong substance use disorder.

Substance use during adolescence may also precipitate or affect the course of mental illness—for instance, adolescent use of marijuana may trigger psychosis in individuals with a genetic vulnerability for schizophrenia (Di Forti et al., 2012).

How MAPP is Helping

MAPP works with area schools, law enforcement, churches, and other community service organizations to bring best practice prevention approaches to communities. Often this means using grant funds to invest in what we know works. Some examples of our work includes:

  • Decreasing access to dangerous medications by increasing the # of ways and locations to safely return unused prescription medications
  • Increasing student education related to prevention by purchasing the Michigan Model curriculum for area school districts
  • Support schools and other organizations by linking them to prevention funds and helping them write grants
  • Working with schools to support youth in violation of substance use policies rather than punishing them
  • Sharing statewide media campaign messages

 Contact us to learn more!